Det er stort hver gang en ny liten medborger kommer til verden. Det er en spesiell dag da vi ikke bare feirer barnets navn, men også innlemmelsen i familien og samfunnet. Det å ønske et nytt barn velkommen inn i verden er en tid for glede og fellesskap.
Store anledninger krever gjennomtenkte gaver. Uansett hvilken type gave du velger til barnedåpen/navnefesten, er det viktigste at den kommer fra hjertet, viser omsorg og oser av kjærlighet for barnet og familien.
Gaver som ikke bare er fine i øyeblikket, men som kan gi varige minner er spesielt meningsfulle. Gaver med barnets navn og dåpsdato inngravert blir til minner som varer lenge. De blir også en god påminnelse opp igjennom livet om at man har en tilhørighet.
Every kitchen should have a chef's knife. Here, you can choose from various sizes. It is very subjective what people like to work with, but our experience suggests that the taller you are, the longer the knife blade can be. At Øyo, you can choose from several different chef's knives: Chef's Knife, Small Chef's Knife, or Japanese Chef's Knife, also called Santoku Chef's Knife. Many people choose two different sizes to have at home. The chef's knife is considered the main tool in the kitchen and can be used for almost anything, such as cutting meat, fish, and vegetables. However, it is essential to remember that the chef's knife should not be used against bones and frozen foods, especially if the knife is hardened at a high Rockwell, as it can damage the knife edge. For that, there are separate boning knives. Chef's knives with pockets or holes along the blade can be advantageous, especially when cutting vegetables, as the holes make the food slide off the knife easily.
With a good, sharp fillet knife, you can cut thin, fine slices of fish, meat, and hams. The knife has a sharp, soft, and flexible blade. It has a pointed tip that makes it easy to handle, allowing you to make long and precise cuts. The choices are not as varied here, as we are very satisfied with the fillet knife we have. It's not too long and just flexible enough. In addition, we have the fillet board with a knife.
Lykke til med valget av gave og med den store dagen!
Always wash the knives by hand.
Wipe the knife blade dry thoroughly.
Sharpen the knife blade as needed.
Wooden handles can be treated with neutral cooking oil if they feel dry.
Store the knives properly. A knife block or magnetic strip is both practical and looks good in the kitchen.